The next seminar will take place Friday 29 August 2025, 09:00-11:00 CET / 10:00-12:00 EET. Below the seminar’s ics to save to your calendar:
Download link to the newest IDA ICE 5.1 beta
2024 August
Ex1: An external wall’s dynamic behavior, in Advanced level
- Illustrate the dynamic behavior of a wall under changing inputs
- U-value calculation and capacity differences of different wall compositions

Ex2: Passive and active cooling practices in renovation projects
- A collection of possible cooling applications at different restrictions: shading, window properties, sizing of cooling devides in practice.

2024 January
Download the newest IDA ICE 5.1 beta
Ex1: Temperature change over a power failure
- Step change of temperature compared in 3 different wall constuctions with identical U-value, located in a cold climate
- Version management to execute the simulations within the same project file

Recorded, downloadble video:
Ex2: Glazing and PV-area optimization in an atrium
- Searching for the optimal glazing types/facade and PV panel area in order to minimize simultaneously investments, purchased energy costs and CO2-emission-based penalties
- Optimization period time: 25 years, climate: Denmark

Recorded, downloadble video:
2023 August
Download the official IDA ICE 5 beta 28
Ex1: Single family house’s envelope study
- Insulation thickness variations effects on design heating power and energy consumption
- Investment and long-term energy costs, brute force-based optimum search

Recorded, downloadble video:
Ex2: VAV vs CAV

- Comparison of 3 identical meeting rooms with different ventilation types, max 3 L/s m² (VAV temp control, VAV temp+CO2 control, CAV).
- Results of: room power sizing and energy consumption, fan power, air flows, IAQ differences.
Recorded, downloadable video:
2023 January
Ex1:Daylight credit compliance demonstration using Swan’s requirements, including
- Area import and project (single family house) build-up
- Daylight Factor and whole-year illuminance simulations
Ex2: PV panel production matching with actual electric consumption of the project house
- Measured consumption as central control signal
- PV electricity generation matching and sizing
Recorded video (YouTube)
With requests, questions or any additional comments, please contact: